Yoga Enhances Your Life

A mind and body practice combining various styles of physical postures , breathing techniques , and meditation or relaxation , Yoga is an ancient practice that may have originated in India.

Benefits of Yoga

Ardha Chakrasana

Ardha Chakrasana or the Standing Backward Bend Pose stretches the front upper torso and tones the arms and shoulder muscles.Know the steps of doing the posture, all its benefits, and contraindications by cicking below.


Virabhadrasana or Warrior Pose increases stamina, strengthens arms, and brings courage and grace. It is an excellent yoga pose for those in sedentary jobs. It is also very beneficial in the case of frozen shoulders. Know the steps of doing the posture, all its benefits, and contraindications by cicking below.

Paschim Namaskarasana

This yoga pose opens the abdomen and stretches the upper back and shoulder joints.Know the steps of doing the posture, all its benefits, and contraindications by cicking below.

Ardha Matsyendrasana

Ardha Matsyendrasana or the Half Spinal Twist Pose makes the spine more elastic and increases the oxygen supply to the lungs.Know the steps of doing the posture, all its benefits, and contraindications by cicking below.

Prasarita Padahastasana

This yoga pose lengthens the spine, strengthens the legs and feet, and strengthens the abdomen.Know the steps of doing the posture, all its benefits, and contraindications by cicking below.

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